# Known Issues

All software has problems. B2C2 is not an exception.

This page contains documentation of the various known issues that I have discovered while working with B2C2. If you are having a problem, I suggest having a look here.


If you want to a report an issue that I do not know about yet, please visit the github issue tracker (opens new window).

# Target and Camera Rotation Glitches

Affected Versions: v1.0, v1.1, v1.2

Fixed in B2C2 v1.3

The issue described below was resolved in B2C2 v1.3. I recommend upgrading to that version if you encounter this bug. The export script is compatible with previous versions of the template, so your Blender work will not be lost.

This problem is caused by the camera target. It occurs when:

  • The target is rotated so that the camera has some degree of roll
  • The camera and target are at different heights (Z in Blender, Y in Unity / Beat Saber)

You can easily see the effect of the problem by comparing the Blender preview video against the video I capture in Beat Saber.

# Blender Preview

# Beat Saber

# Incorrect Example

  • The camera is rotated / rolled
  • The camera and target are at different heights

The in-game camera angle does not match what was designed in Blender.

# Correct Example

  • The camera is rotated / rolled
  • The camera and target are at equal heights

In this case the in-game shot would be oriented properly.

# Fix / Work-Around

If the camera and the target are at different heights, avoid rotating the target.

  • You can still apply a roll effect if the target and camera are NEAR the same height.
  • For big differences in height, the issue will present itself and ruin your camera angle.
  • If the imaginary line between the camera and the target is parallel to X axis, then the roll / look-down angles will be correct.

These are my observations. You may find other issues, and other work-arounds.

Fixed in B2C2 v1.3

The issue described above was resolved in B2C2 v1.3. I recommend upgrading to that version if you encounter this bug. The export script is compatible with previous versions of the template, so your Blender work will not be lost.

Last Updated: 1/25/2023, 5:33:52 AM